
The team responsible for the design, updates, and maintenance of this website is affiliated with the ICSSR-sponsored project.

The purpose of this website is to provide the general public with convenient and accessible information. It should be noted that the contents serve informational purposes only and do not possess any legal validity. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there is a possibility that certain details, such as telephone numbers or the names of officers holding positions, may have changed before they were updated on the website. Therefore, we do not assume any legal liability for the completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of the content provided on this website.

On some web pages/documents, we provide links to external sites. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content on those sites and do not hold any responsibility for it. The inclusion of hyperlinks to external sites does not imply our endorsement of the information, products, or services offered by those sites.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that the documents on this site are free from computer viruses or any other harmful elements.

We highly appreciate your suggestions for improving this website and kindly request that you bring any errors, if found, to our attention.